Things I’ve Learned or Remembered Since My Diagnosis

The following was posted on the ACOR list by Cynthia Marrs and is reprinted here with her permission in our August/September, 2002 Newsletter.

1. It’s not all in my head. I can trust my instincts.
2. Someone else is in a far worse position than I am.
3. I’m not short on memory; I have a surplus of forgetfulness (Thank you Ellen DeGeneres)
4. How to spell diarrhea.
5. It’s okay to ask for help.
6. It’s okay to stand up for myself.
7. My daughter loves me.
8. God will many times give me more than I can handle. It is His loving way of reminding me that it isn’t my job. I am not in charge.
9. Making sure the will and insurance are complete and correct is responsible. Ordering the headstone is premature.

10. The most important one of all! I AM NOT ALONE!